The New Road, Neil Munro,
Written in 1914 and set in 1733 this story is a romantic tale of a boy from Inveraray who travels north to investigate his father’s disappearance whilst in battle. There’s a rather dramatic episode at Kingshouse involving some outwitting by the young man. It’s a brilliant tale of discovery and self-discovery and a very well written account of the time.
Munro might be better known to some as the creator of Para Handy. A good tip is that it’s a “Forgotten Classic” and has been republished and you can even download a copy for your kindle, mac or iPad from the Neil Munro society direct.

Thomas Pennant, A Tour in Scotland
Pennant was a travel writer of his day and wrote books about his travels from his home in Wales on expeditions in the UK and abroad.
His tour in Scotland was carried out on horseback, travelling in June 1769 for three months, documenting the scenery, the habits of those he met and the nature and wildlife he saw. They were accompanied by drawings, made into engraved plates for his published books and were the only way for people to find out about these little known faraway places.
Again, thanks go to good old Amazon – although you need a little forward planning to read whilst in the Highlands – print copies only.

Corrag, Susan Fletcher
Bringing Glencoe’s dark history to life in fiction. Written in the current century, this book steps back into the 1690s. This book tells the story of the Massacre of Glencoe, where members of the Macdonald Clan were attacked and killed by government forces for failing to pledge their allegiance to the new Monarchs of the day. Told through the eyes of a fictitious character, Corrag, this dramatic, dark tale is set less than a mile from the hotel. Available for download or paper form.